Do we need conflicts? Of course, we need – a psychotherapist Veronika Stepanova is sure. If you want to change relationships that do not suit, you will have to go to a collision of interests. It is only important to conduct a difficult conversation correctly so that it ends not with a quarrel, but with mutual understanding.

Many are afraid of conflicts. They agree to experience a sense of constant anxiety, just not to leave the comfort zone. If you want to get rid of this painful state, you will have to initiate a conflict and defend your interests. To change the situation, but to maintain relationships, it is necessary to comply with a number of rules.

Put the arguments on paper in advance

As a rule, conflicts pass emotionally. Having designated thoughts on paper, you will prepare yourself to keep questions directly related to a conflict situation. So you have more chances to say that you would like to change in a relationship, and not switch to mutual accusations.

Watch the interlocutor from the side

No matter how you prepare for a conversation, it is difficult to resist the emotional stream in which the second side is trying to involve you. However, as soon as the affect is turned on: aggression in response to the offensive of the offender or, on the contrary, fright – you lost. You forget about everything that you previously wrote and fall into an emotional stream that deprives you of the ability to think rationally. Try to take a symbolic step to the side, switching your attention from what they say to you, to the one who speaks. Take a closer look, how a person at that moment looks like his

Profesorul Grit Birnbaum, absolvent al Universității Israeliene care își ia numele de la Bar-Ilan, a făcut o declarație care ne-a inspirat să privim porno chiar mai des decât înainte (deși ar părea mult mai des?). Acest lucru s -a întâmplat în timpul interviurilor kamagra 100 Ediției Time. Interviul a fost dedicat mecanismelor psihologice pentru a comunica un bărbat și o femeie la începutul relațiilor.

eye color, the features of clothing. Whether he has hair dyed or natural? Is the shirt carefully ironed? Imagine him not your opponent, but a five -year -old baby who just became older. So you will return a composure that will help act in your interests.

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