4) You’re expected to feel cardiovascular disease

4) You’re expected to feel cardiovascular disease

3) Their blood pressure can increase.

Without sex, you may notice an increase in blood pressure. Science says that’s not a coincidence. In fact, a 2006 research in the medical diary Biological Therapy found that people who were having regular sex had lower levels of blood pressure than those who weren’t. This is also linked to the relationship between sex and stress. The researchers controlled for multiple variables in the study and concluded that having sex more frequently actually improves your body’s physiological response to stress. This, in turn, keeps one’s blood pressure at a lower base level.

A 2010 analysis published in the American Journal of Cardiology found that men who have sex at least twice a week almost cut their risk of heart disease in half. However, the researchers noted their findings may simply be correlational-not causal. “Men who have frequent sex might be more likely to be in a supportive intimate relationship,” they noted. “This might improve health through stress reduction and social support.”

5) Your own intellectual means would be impacted.

A 2013 investigation published by researchers in Maryland found that sexual activity in rats led to improved cognitive function and hippocampal function. (The hippocampus is a part of the brain that’s largely responsible for memory.)

Sayfaya Git 4) You’re expected to feel cardiovascular disease