Home Oversight Panel President JAMES COMER, R-Ky

six. Unresolved Mystery: “Trump Currency Probe for the Congress Dogged by Denials and you will Claims out-of ‘Ripoff,’” because of the Messenger’s Stephen Neukam: “Trump’s old accounting business all of a sudden prevented delivering congressional investigators which have economic data just last year during the a great probe off Trump’s enjoy off overseas payments. … The big Republican for the House panel managing the investigation rejects any involvement, hence begs practical question: Just who, following, educated the fresh bookkeeping business so you can not any longer cooperate which have Congress? …

MUCK Discover: “New Strange Money Commitment Between That it Dem in addition to Catholic Church’s Sex Discipline Scandal,” by the Each day Beast’s Roger Sollenberger: “[JOANNA] WEISS, a beneficial Popular newcomer competing to change Associate

“[A] Trump lawyer told Mazars one lawmakers towards the Home Supervision Panel was in fact don’t selecting putting some agency start way more data … , says to The Live messenger he previously no wedding … Whenever informed of Comer’s assertion, [ranks associate JAMIE] RASKIN told This new Messenger if this new president try informing the fresh new information, then ‘Trump’s attorneys has actually fundamentally engaged in congestion regarding justice.’”

eight. KATIE PORTER (D-CA) because the she operates to have Senate, has actually provided a total $231,600 in order to her sexy polish girls political process by the end of September … [W]hile Weiss provides separately created away a profitable and you can impactful court and you may advocacy community, brand new lion’s express of your own currency this woman is used to finance her strategy will come away from her husband, JASON WEISS, who has got walked a financially rewarding – and debatable – industry path. … [He] has actually defended the brand new Catholic Diocese out of Orange State inside at the very least four sex punishment legal actions.”

Plus: EMILY’s Record responded on the behalf of the latest strategy, contacting the content “misogynistic” – and that paign funds questions relating to the fresh new group’s engagement. The latest venture and you may applicant afterwards taken care of immediately name the story “misogynistic” and you can “embarrassing.” Even so they don’t address the bucks issues. (Realize publisher Matt Fuller’s X bond for more of your own story behind the story.)

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Into the MEMORIAM – A party service was held yesterday into the later Household Democratic guide and you can former White Domestic staffer Dan Turton from the Relationship Channel, where a letter of Chairman Joe Biden try read out loud. Brand new Thankful Dead’s “Ripple” starred for the sound system inside a great tribute to Turton’s fandom, and other people attained afterwards getting a lobby in the Bobby Van’s. One of many attendees was indeed Staff. Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), Rosa DeLauro (D-Conn.), Jim Clyburn (D-S.C.) and you may Steny Hoyer (D-Md.), Bruce Kieloch, Yebbie Watkins, Erik Huey, Matt Gorman, Joe Crowley, Fred Humphries, Matt Gelman, Mary Streett, Kimball Stroud, Rob Bassin, Izzy Klein, Jim Moran, Karl Koch, John O’Hanlon, Bruce Harris, Michael Collins, Shanti Stanton, Elizabeth Burks, Helen Milby and you can Wear Sisson.

Mass media Moves – Virginia Moseley was named executive publisher out of CNN in the fresh leaders from Draw Thompson, the newest Letter.Y. Post’s Alexandra Steigrad records inside the an aspect one quotes staffers one another complimentary and you will stunningly critical of brand new newsroom commander. … Damian Paletta try returning to the WSJ since Washington exposure captain. The guy already is deputy team editor from the WaPo. …

… Robert Samuels is actually back into WaPo since the a national organization reporter. He of late might have been an employee blogger within The fresh new Yorker and you may claimed an excellent Pulitzer into the guide he co-written, “His Name’s George Floyd.” … NewsNation plans to discharge a unique Weekend reveal, “The brand new Hill Weekend that have Chris Stirewalt,” with the February 3.

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